Napoleon Crossing the Alps

The political violence used during the period of the "Terror" politically isolated the Jacobin revolutionaries. Robespierre, Danton, and Saint-Just were all guillotined in 1794. With the fall of the Jacobin, the more moderate Girondins began to gain power. At the same time, the burden of wars waged with other countries was added incessantly to the losses of internal battles.

Lastly, the weakened French State failed to fulfill the promises of the revolution and fell under the control of those who would see the most radical advances of the revolution overturned. During these tense years of multiple conflicts, a military man of low nobility stood out in foreign campaigns: his name was Napoleon Bonaparte, and in 1799, his coup marked the transition of France from a revolutionary republic to, once again, an authoritarian regime.

After Napoleon's coronation in 1804, David, already 56 years old, became the emperor's official painter. "Napoleon Crossing the Alps," a painting in the neoclassical style, is one of the most famous works representing this new moment in French history.

The painter of history
Alexander the Great
Toussaint Louverture